1. Biomolecules and their Monomers: An Interactive Concept Map

[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Four Fam BioMolConcept Map”]

[h]Interactive Concept Map: The Four Biomolecule Families

[q labels = “top”]


[l]fatty acid

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[l]lean meat

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]nucleic acids

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


2. Biomolecules Fill-in-the-Blanks Quiz

[qwiz qrecord_id=”sciencemusicvideosMeister1961-Four Fam FIB”]

[h]The Four Biomolecule Families

[i]The quiz that follows is like the game “hangman.” Type in the letters to complete the questions below.

If you don’t get the answer right the first time, you get another try (so don’t stress about getting questions wrong: everybody learns at their own pace).

Note that answers might repeat

[q] In a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, both the bread and the jelly would be classified as [hangman].


[q] Fats, oils, waxes, and steroids are members of the [hangman] family.


[q] Foods like chicken, beef, and egg white are all members of the [hangman]  biomolecule family.


[q] The molecules of heredity, DNA and RNA, are [hangman] [hangman].



[q]Biomolecules are often composed of smaller building blocks, which are also known as [hangman].


[q]The monomers of carbohydrates are [hangman].


[q]Another term for “monosaccharide” is [hangman] sugar.


[q]Sucrose, also known as table sugar, is formed by linking together two monosaccharides. That makes it a [hangman].


[q]Both monosaccharides like glucose and disaccharides like sucrose are [hangman].


[q]The fondness for sugar shared by many animals (including humans) evolved because sugars are a quick source of [hangman].


[q]The polysaccharide found in bread, pasta, and rice is called [hangman].


[q]The polysaccharide that makes up plant fiber is called [hangman].


[q]Cellulose makes up the cell [hangman] of plants.


[q]Wood and cotton are both made of a polysaccharide called [hangman]


[q]One thing that the lipids have in common is that they are, for the most part, [hangman], which is why they generally won’t dissolve in [hangman].



[q]The molecule below is a [hangman] [hangman], and it’s an important building block of [hangman].




[q]Fats and oils have more [hangman]/gram than any other type of food.


[q]Marine mammals like whales use fat for [hangman].


[q]The molecule used for waterproofing, found on the upper and lower surface of leaves (see number 1 below), is [hangman].


[q]The molecule shown below is a [hangman]. These molecules make up the basic structure of the cell [hangman].



[q]Both testosterone and estrogen are hormones that belong to a class of lipids called [hangman].


[q]The protein-based tissue that makes it possible for you to move (and which is what you eat when you eat chicken or beef) is [hangman]


[q]Antibodies and enzymes are both [hangman]


[q]The monomers of proteins are [hangman] [hangman], one of which is shown below.



[q]The monomers of nucleic acids are [hangman], one of which is shown below.


[q]The nucleic acids DNA and RNA are the molecules of [hangman].


[q]Life’s key molecule for storing energy for powering work at the cellular level is a nucleotide called [hangman].



Where to go?

Suggested AP Bio Pathway: Continue to Carbohydrates

Other pathways: